No nyt! Tätä tietoa olen etsinyt ja kaivannut. Tässä siis tutkittua tietoa niille, jotka epäilevät sitä saako vauva istukasta hänelle kuuluvat veret vaikka on äidin mahan päällä, eikä ns. kohdun alapuolella missään kärryllä...
Suomi synnyttää -foorumilla (tark. synnytysalan ihmisille) Facebookissa Päivi Laukkanen jakoi pätkän:
on immediate skin to skin, with baby up on maternal abdomen or higher? A
delay in cord clamping for at least 5 minutes is required for the baby
to receive a full placental transfusion.
This new clinical
advice is advocated by Mercer & Erickson-Owens in their 2012 article
Rethinking Placental Transfusion and Cord Clamping Issues (1), based on
Erickson-Owens original research (2).
"...placing an infant
skin-to-skin on the maternal abdomen slows the rate of the placental
transfusion. By measuring the amount of blood left behind in the
placenta, after infants are placed skin-to-skin, a 2-minute delay in
cord clamping results in only a partial placental transfusion....a
2-minute delay results in an average of 25 mL/kg of whole blood left
behind in the placenta compared with a 5-minute delay that leaves only
an average of 11 mL/kg. A 5-minute delay in cord clamping allows the
infant who is skin-to-skin to receive a full placental transfusion."
(1) Mercer JS, Erickson-Owens DA. Rethinking placental transfusion and
cord clamping issues. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2012 Jul;26(3):202-17.
(2) Erickson-Owens D. Placental Transfusion at Birth in Full-
Term Infants. Original research presented at the 6th Annual
Normal Labour and Birth Conference, Grange-Over-Sands,
England; 2011.
(1) Mercer JS, Erickson-Owens DA. Rethinking placental transfusion and cord clamping issues. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2012 Jul;26(3):202-17.
(2) Erickson-Owens D. Placental Transfusion at Birth in Full-
Term Infants. Original research presented at the 6th Annual
Normal Labour and Birth Conference, Grange-Over-Sands,
England; 2011.
Kiitos Terhi!
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